In the 1930s, being a BBC news reader was both a highly respected and a highly stressful position. Scripts had to be read at the proper pace and with proper diction. Everything had to be pronounced correctly. Simply mispronouncing the name of a foreign leader would bring shame on both the news reader and his family. And, to make sure the news readers were always in the proper frame of mind, news readers always had to wear a tuxedo when reading the news. True, this was radio and no one could see them. But, appearances are everything.
But, one of the little known perks of being a news reader was that they had their own private gymnasium where they could work off the stress. In this QSL from 1937, all of the then thirteen news readers pose in their favorite down-time activities.
Not many of these QSLs are known to exist as they were only sent out for about five days. The card had been produced by the engineering department without authorization from upper management. Upper management was horrified at the thought of showing BBC staff members acting like average human beings and the remaining cards were burned. Reportedly, some that were already mailed were even successfully recovered with help from the British Post Office.
This card is from the collection of BLANDX co-founder Elmer Dixon who, ironically, lived in London Grove, Pennsylvania.