The Book of Antenni and Connexions

Glenn is my shepherd.

Without Glenn I am but a disconnected PL-259. In his hands I am guided to the opening of his choosing.

Verily I say unto you: It is his hands that guideth the PL-259 of my coax to the SO-239 of my receiver ... liketh a mongrel dog guides his member to a bitch in heat.

He is the PL-259 and the SO-239 of my listening post. Joyfully he goes both ways so that my DXing may be fruitful.

My BOGs layeth on the ground open to his will.

As I pound my ground rod it is as if his hand is on my hand with each stroke.

It is he who puts the rubber covering on my coax.

Glenn is the wings on my Perseus, the wood in my Kenwood, the com of my Icom.

Glenn bends my rhombic, straightens my vertical, and puts the coil in my loop.

And only Glenn can put the balance to my twin lead.

Truly I sing unto the ionosphere, to DX without Glenn is as if to DX without an antenna.