Rejoice as new scripttures have been handed down from on high. May the Testament of 2015 guide the inner DXer within you.

For those who prefer to follow other paths on their journey towards DX Enlightment, check out these thoughtful tomes from the Spiritual Publishing House of the BLANDX Press.

  • The Zen of Glenn
  • UKOGBANI: The Hauser Book of the Dead SW Broadcasters
  • Bhagavad Glenn As-It-Is (Published by the International Vacuum Society for Hauser Consciousness).
  • Diasesquinetics (Published by the Church of Hauserology) -- Banned in Germany!
  • The DamnIMissedTheIDpada: The Sacred text of Buddhist DXers
  • The Tao of DXing by Glenn-Tze

Andy Warhol Religious DX Art

The Miracle at 2130 UTC
Holy Zenith