Uncle Harold's DX Beanie-Weenies (
More flatulence than other leading brands!)
BLANDX Home Page
The Testament of 2015
The Book of LamentationsThe Book of Antenni and Connexions
Psalms 23A (The Solid State Version)
The Book of Huxter Transcriptions I
The Second Testament
The Book of ActsThe Book of Latter Day DXers
The Book of MARE
The Book of the Sons of Flatulence
The First Testament
The Book of GenesisThe Book of DXodus
The Book of Soundgarden
The Book of Chronicles
The Book of Numbers
El Libro de los Numeros
The Book of Proverbs
The Book of Psalms
The Book of Journeys
The Book of Blessings
The Book of Tracts
The Book of Praises
The Book of Revelation
The Gospel of St. Puter
The Song of Hauser
The Song of Cumbre
The Gospel of Jeff of the White Castles
The Book of Caca
The Second Book of Caca
The Book of Hans
Genesis Chapter 20
Further books will be revealed at times that have been chosen according to the prophesies.
Rejoice as new scripttures have been handed down from on high. May the Testament of 2015 guide the inner DXer within you.
For those who prefer to follow other paths on their journey towards DX Enlightment, check out these thoughtful tomes from the Spiritual Publishing House of the BLANDX Press.
- The Zen of Glenn
- UKOGBANI: The Hauser Book of the Dead SW Broadcasters
- Bhagavad Glenn As-It-Is (Published by the International Vacuum Society for Hauser Consciousness).
- Diasesquinetics (Published by the Church of Hauserology) -- Banned in Germany!
- The DamnIMissedTheIDpada: The Sacred text of Buddhist DXers
- The Tao of DXing by Glenn-Tze
Andy Warhol Religious DX Art
The Miracle at 2130 UTCHoly Zenith