The Song of Cumbre
Thine logs read liketh the song of the nightengale, as expressed
by Dave of Valko. Praythee, please reporteth thine language heard
though, for we may all be enlightened.
If thy wishes to remove thyself from the tribe of Cumbre, praythee
useth the web site and lasheth out not for all to read.
Learn to turneth off thine html, lest the bulletin be befilled
with Babelishments.
Reporteth not Radio Nacional Sahuari every fornicating day, lest
the faithful tireth of thine offerings.
Bloweth not thine own horn, for we care not what local FM doeth
in India or Australia. Thine heart beith in the right place, but
stoweth it.
Offer up not thine long and medium undulations, for we care only
for thine shorts.
Do unto der Hans as it has been written, lest the rath come down
upon thee.