By Bill Kyle, CEO, BLANDX
Yes, that's right. My new title is CEO. Now that BLANDX is using this new Internet thing, it seemed a good time to restructure things and being a corporation is the right way to go.We're looking forward eliminating competition (hey, look at how successful we were with ANARC!) as well as acquiring several rival DX clubs and downsizing their editors. Out hostile takeover of NASWA is off to a good start. We can maximize profits from that subsidiary by outsourcing the editorial jobs to Bhutan. Our European division has several Swedish clubs and an Italian one in its sights. There's also a little radio store in central Ohio we've been watching. Current projections are for profits to be up 23% over last year. Of course, most of that will go to my bonus. Isn't life sweet?
Even though BLANDX is now a ruthless profit-minded corporate entity run by money-sucking jackals like me, we still care about you, our share holders. So, let's dip into the corporate mailbag and see what comes up.
Member Mabel Warner of Bushyhead, Oklahoma writes
Fifteen years ago I was one of the strongest supporters when the BLANDX Board voted to ban indoor smoking at the annual BLANDXFest convention. The health of our members is always important. However, I deeply resent the extremes to which the current board has taken things and I do not like it that people with my condition will be exiled to a separate room at the Saturday night banquet. After all, second-hand incontinence may be unpleasant, but no one has ever died from it.
Actually, Mabel, at last count the incontinence room may have more banquet-goers than the main banquet room. I'll be there. You're welcome to sit at my table.
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Member Mabel Warner uses a pedal-powered Bleene RMPD-368A receiver. She doesn't like the gas fumes that other Bleene receivers produce, plus the exercise helps her keep her girlish figure. |
Speaking of the BLANDXFest banquet, we've decided to move it to 4:30 p.m. this year. Several people complained about not having enough time afterward to drink and get rowdy. The banquet takes about an hour, so that leaves us 30 minutes to party before bed time. Of course, that's probably about 25 minutes more than most of us can handle at our age.
From Pink Hill, North Carolina, Jack Price writes
I recently spent a week in the hosptial for hip surgery, and it was very productive. I logged 17 different wireless nurses' intercoms (2 QSLs), 10 wireless heart monitors (3 QSLs), 5 pacemakers, and even one wireless hearing aid! With so much great DX, I'm really looking forward to my colonoscopy in two months.
Those are some impressive totals, Jack. Next month, we're going to have an article by Jack Bradbury on QSLing Wireless Intercoms at your Nursing Home. I'm sure some of his tips will also apply to hospital intercoms.
The BLANDX Country List Committee has listened to those of you who think that the BLANDX country list is too complicated to undertand. We have come up with the following video version, which we believe is more suitable to the intellectual level of the average BLANDX reader. This is an avi file and is viewable in Windows Media Player.