Editor: Art Purdy

Tips For Good Listening

The BBC's new series The Mating Patterns of Zebras promises to be very interesting and even erotic by BBC standards. This replaces The History of Herbal Soap, which has completed its 24 episode run. (Did anyone record episode number 19? I missed that one. - Art)

Bill Dernoff writes that one of his favorite programs is Money Talks on Deutsche Welle. He says for the month of May they are going to focus on appropriate ways to offer and accept bribes. Several corporate executives with extensive experience in bribing Third World political leaders will be featured on the show. Rumors are that our own Bill Kyle is one of them. Way to go, Bill!

Beginning in March, WEWN's Sunday morning mass at 1300-1400 is now broadcast from Our Lady of the Synchronous Detector Church in Reynoldsburg, Ohio. They are putting some serious effort into reaching DXers. Perhaps this has something to do with that recent survey by MULE (Minnesota Union of Listening Enthusiasts) that named Pagan Voice Radio as the most popular religious station among DXers. But, how could you not like a religious broadcaster that tells you your DXing will improve if you go the woods, take off your clothes, and sacrifice small hairy rodents on a stone altar? It may or may not work, but it is a lot more fun than going to confession!

Contrary to reports last month, Radio Australia's program Hindsight will NOT be issuing its own QSLs. Probably all for the better.

Polish Radio has announced that in order to save money, beginning June 1 they will just relay the BBC World Service during their English language broadcasts. (DX Tortilla) Wow! More frequencies to not hear the BBC on! - Art

Schedule Updates

WBCQ has made some exciting changes to its Saturday program line-up.

1400-1430Brother Stair's House Arrest Ministry
1430-1500Stripping for Jesus with the widow of the late Dr. Gene Scott.
(Has a really great special QSL!)
1500-1530Things You Can Do While Kneeling (co-produced with WEWN)
1530-1600Sinning for Fun and Profit featuring Jimmy Swaggert
1600-1630Garlic - It's Not Just for Breakfast Anymore with Martha Stewart
1630-1700How to Win Friends and Piss People Off With A DX Humor Website featuring Dan Muir
1700-1800The Make-up Hour with Tammy Faye and Katherine Harris
1800-1830You Can Never Have Enough Radios (Weekly guest presenters)
1830-1900Observing Strange Men in the Woods (Introduction to DXpeditions)
1900-1930QSLing Everything That Moves (Weekly guest presenters)
1930-2030Desperate DXWives (radio melodrama)