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News From Regional Clubs
Southern Hospitality
On July 27th, the Louisiana Union of Shortwave Tuners, the Alabama North Union of Shortwavers, and the Florida Association of Radio Tuners will be holding their annual joint cocktail party in Good Pine, Louisiana. Drinks to be served include:
Axually Absinthe,
Bailey's Creme de Noisy Blob,
Dentro Cuban Jamming Jungle Juice,
Firedrake Frangelico,
Grand Glenn Marnier,
Hideous Hauser Hypnotiq,
Hourtop Wallbanger,
Listlogger Sloe Fizz,
Log Pucker Periodic,
Nightmiddle Cap,
Rhombic Rum,
Sesquideka Swizzle, and the old favorite
Jammer and Tonic.
LUST Bubba-In-Charge Wilson Shaw adds Please don't misunderstand what we mean when we call this a 'joint' cocktail party.
Arizona DXers Looking For Cause
The Arizona Society of Serious DXers is currently holding a referendum of its members to see which conspiracy theory club members will fervently believe in for the next year. Options under consideration include:
- The secret codes in the CHU time pips that are being used to send messages from Vladimir Putin to Harold Camping now that the French Canadians are cooperating with the Black Helicopter League.
- The connection between cigar-smoking homosexual evangelicals who sponsor anti-Castro radio broadcasts and the rumored secret society of descendents of Charlie Loudenboomer - and how they worked together to close HCJB's Pifo transmitter site.
- The Numero Dos conspiracy to withhold information from Sven Gonzalez because he refuses to wear aluminum foil on his head and so could be mind-controlled at any moment if he hears the phone ring on Radio Havana.
- Which international broadcasters really control Uncle Harold's Beanie-Weenies? And why do they refuse to put Ian McFarland's picture on the can?
- Why have Brother Stair, Dr. Gene Scott (deceased), Sven Gonzalez, and Hilary Clinton never been seen together in the same room sitting on the same sofa? Could they be the same person? And, just why hasn't WRMI come clean on what it knows about this?
I don't envy you guys. That is one tough choice. They all sound very plausible to me.
DXing With Hot Air
The Minnesota Union of Listening Enthusiasts (MULE) has found the answer to increasing park cabin rents for their DXpeditions - the Inflatable DXpedition Cabin. It can be set up anywhere and has enough space inside for six DXers to set up. Which is the right number since it takes six healthy DXers about four hours to blow the thing up. In the case of MULE members, if we get started about 8 a.m., we usually can get it filled by dusk. The biggest disadvantage we've found so far is that it's not a good idea to screw in cup hooks to hang stuff on.
Englightened DXing
The entire membership of the League of Eastern Nebraska DXers have joined a monastery after having had a nirvana experience when they discovered an inkblot in the shape of Sven Gonzalez's beard in their weekly newsletter. The newsletter has been donated to the Smithsonian Institute.