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News From Regional Clubs
In order to save on travel and hotel costs, the The North Central Ohio DX Club and Prostate Support Group has decided to stay home this year and hold their annual meeting at the Shady Dipoles Retirement Home in Jelloway, Ohio. As the doors are kept locked all the time it is believed this will also increase attendance at the meeting events.
The Southern Indiana DX League has been experimenting with outdoor drum circles at their DXPeditions. President Randy Peterson says that the music plus their new practice of hanging mutilated Barbie dolls from their antennas discourages other people at the park from coming too close.
The Wyoming United Shortwave Society (WUSS) recently completed their annual survey of The Craziest Radio Preacher. It ended in a 33 way tie, which is an improvement over last year's 35 way tie .... except for the two club members who passed away in the past year. Rev Barbie still won the Sexiest Radio Preacher award.
The Minnesota Union of Listening Enthusists is accepting donations for a cash prize to be awarded to the last Latin American radio station broadcasting on sixty meters. They've collected over $100 already.
We all know what old expired IRCs are worth. But they're much too thin to use them for that. The South Georgia DXer's Association collected all the old IRCs from its members and used them to wallpaper the hallway in the house of a needy family. Acts like that make me proud to be a DXer.
A few months ago members of the Wisconsin Association of Radio Tuners (WART) witnessed a miracle at a DXpedition when the soot from a kerosene lantern formed an image of Sven Gonzalez on the cabin walls. The image has been preserved and they report that the cabin is now open for pilgrimages. There are special deals for overnight DX stays and they will also be selling cookies in the shape of a BBC logo.
International Club News
We all know that martyrs get 73 virgins when they arrive in heaven. It turns out that there are similar but lesser benefits for lesser acts. According to the Journal of Islamic Fundamentalist International DXers (JIFI-DX) for every three hours of listening to the Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran the SWL will get one hour with a young woman who was a virgin within the past five to ten years. I bet their listenership is going to go way up! Almost makes me wish I hadn't had myself neutered.
In Finland the weekend immediately preceding the winter solstice is traditionally a time for Finnish DXers to go on nude DXpeditions. Several clubs started putting up webcams this year. Bill Kyle has promised that next time the BLANDX I.T. department will post those links as soon as they have them.